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Professional Development Institute

Professional Dev Series Email (2)

NAIOP is proud to announce the 2023 Professional Development Institute, 4 workshops designed to develop the skills you need to excel in your career at every stage.

Click on the individual workshops below to learn more and register. Not all courses are taught by Theresa Whiting.* All courses will be taught at Allsteel, 200 State St. Boston, MA.

Workshop Descriptions

The Power of Effective Communication - Igniting Your Competitive Edge March 3 | 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Building relationships with internal and external clients is vital for success. The key to maintain employees, strengthen partnerships with clients, and alleviate conflict is Effective Communication. This two-hour workshop will enable participants to identify barriers to communication, alleviate conflict and miscommunication, and implement strategies for success.

Participants will:

  • Recognize the barriers to effective communication in the workplace
  • Review Communication Theory – the role as a Sender and a Receiver
  • Participate in self-evaluation exercises to identify personal communication style and the impact it has on others
  • Demonstrate general polish, confidence and overall command of self through effective word choice


A Crash Course on Media Training

March 15 | 10:30 AM- 12:30 PM

How can real estate executives stay on message and avoid media pitfalls when phones and the 24/7 media cycle turn every public speaking event into a potential story? Find out at this intensive—and fun—in-person media training course taught by experienced spokespeople, bloggers, and media experts who will arm you with techniques to effectively manage interactions with print, broadcast, and citizen journalists.

Instructors will begin with media response basics, provide helpful tips and tools, and explore best practices for:

  • Interview preparation
  • Message discipline
  • Avoiding common interview traps
  • Managing a complex or potentially negative story

The workshop will conclude with group exercises designed to test your media response.

This course is presented in partnership with Issues Management Group, a strategic communications and public affairs firm specializing in real estate.


Leadership in Action

May 12 | 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

How do you define Leadership?  Many define Leadership as a set of behaviors used to help people align their collective direction, to execute strategic plans, and to continually renew and grow an organization.  Join this program to learn the vital skills required to identify and strengthen your style that will project you to the next level.

Agenda includes: 

  • Career Path Journey – What is Ahead?
  • 10 steps to Leadership Effectiveness
  • Define your Leadership Style:
  • Competencies & Strengths
  • Behaviors & Communication
  • Culture Performance
  • Personal Presentation
  • Identify the difference between a “boss” and a “leader”
  • Create your Leadership Brand Profile


Effective Public Speaking - Reduce Anxiety, Increase Confidence

October 13 | 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM

If you are in the top % of professionals who do not enjoy public speaking, this program is for you.  Unlock the myths of public speaking and debunk any anxiety or message you told yourself about presenting to a group.

Agenda includes:

  • Your goals and objectives
  • How to increase Confidence
  • Communication techniques that work for you not against you
  • Anxiety Management
  • Audience Analysis
  • Host a meeting with ease

Instructor Information

3 classes will be taught by Theresa Whiting of Whiting Consulting, a communications firm specializing in effective corporate communication.

Theresa D. Whiting, President has more than 30 years experience in corporate communications, enhancing professionalism related to content delivery and overall image. This experience includes 19 years as an executive advisor, coaching individuals and facilitating a variety of communication skills training. Her understanding of the dynamics and trends in numerous industries including architect, real estate development, retail, pharmaceutical, and finance make her uniquely qualified as a developer and facilitator of communication and professional presence programs. Prior to consulting Theresa worked at IBM and Mellon Bank. She is certified in the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality inventory, and is a long-standing member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

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